#COVIDIsNotOver and #StaySAFE campaign

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Fake News is as contagious as a virus

COVID-19 UNDP’s Integrated Response
Our Projects
UNDP plans and implements its programs in partnership with key stakeholders, from government, UN agencies, NGOs, international financial institutions and bilateral donors, to civil society, the private sector and universities.
Supported by a team of over 300 mostly Lebanese professionals, our current programme includes more than 60 local and national projects that focus on improving areas critical to Lebanon's future.

What we do
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN’s global development network. It advocates for positive change and connects countries to knowledge and resources to help ordinary people build better lives. UNDP has been working in Lebanon since 1960, supporting the government and the people in their efforts to recover from the civil war, build lasting peace, generate sustainable and equitable growth, and mobilize funds from donors to help the country in these efforts. With the escalation of the crisis in Syria, UNDP’s outreach has expanded to include supporting the Lebanese population to cope with the impact of the Syrian refugee influx.
Lebanon has achieved seven of its Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets in health, primary education, and gender equality in education. Yet the most critical of the targets, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability, have not been achieved.
Social and environmental safeguards
Social and Environmental Standards, Stakeholder Grievance and Compliance Procedures The SES are integral to quality assurance and risk management in all UNDP programming. They define in clear and concrete terms what UNDP stands for, in line with our mandate and the UN’s normative framework. Stakeholder grievance and compliance review functions underpin the SES. To learn more, please visit the home page of the Stakeholder Response Mechanism (SRM) and the Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU)

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